Wednesday, March 17, 2010

David Beckham Achilles Torn

David Beckham, world known soccer player and who is married to former Spice Girl Posh Spice, sustained a devestating injury to his foot. He had ruptured his Achilles Tendon. The inury occurred during one of his recent games. The Achilles tendon connects the calf muscle to the back part of the heel bone. There is a common area in the Achilles tendon that has a decreased amount of blood supply called the watershed area. This usually occurs about 2cm-6cm from the area it originates in the heel bone. The injury can occur from a direct trauma to the area or a quick contraction from the calf muscle. This is most likely what has caused his rupture. It may take up to a year to gain full recovery from this type of injury. Conservative measures include being in a cast or brace for a few months to surgery where the tendon is repaired. Even with surgery, a cast or brace is usually needed. Physical Therapy is paramount after this type of injury to strengthen back the calf musle. There is always a risk of a re-repture of the tendon in any case of conservative or surgial treatment options. Athletes typically will have the surgical route because of a quicker healing time and may be more durable. It is always best to see your doctor to see which treatment is best for you. For more information please visit our website

Chad Friedman, DPM

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