Wishing everyone Happy Holidays and a Happy and Healthy New Year
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Top Doctors in Mainline Today
We wanted to congratulate Dr Chad J Friedman for being listed in the December 2010 issue of Mainline Today as one of the areas Top Doctors in Podiatry.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Chester County Diabetes Day
We got a lot of interesting questions at our booth ranging from diabetic foot care to diabetic shoes. We talked about the differences of Diabetic shoes and regular shoes and the benefits of them. We also discussed what we have to offer to help with Diabetic Neuropathy. We got to meet other vendors while we were there which is a great team way to help and manage people with their Diabetes.
We were thankful to be there and hope to be there again next year. For more information on Diabetes and your feet please visit our web page.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Howard Stern and His Broken Toe
Howard Stern broke his toe recently and was seen wearing a Camboot. He stubbed his 5th toe on the corner of a desk. This is a common injury that people suffer from. Whether its on the corner of the desk or in the middle of the night on the edge of the bed it can be a painful condition. Its important to have it seen right away instead of falling into the trap of "Oh its just a toe there is nothing that can be done for it". This myth is not true. If it were to involve the metatarsal, which is the bone behind the toe the treatment is different. With a broken toe this can lead to arthritis later in life if it involves the joint. The toe may also need to be 'set' back into place. Initially, the best thing for it is to be evaluated by a Podiatrist and have X-Rays taken. Following the principles of RICE (Rice, Ice, Compression, Elevation) also helps. Depending on which toe is broken it needs to be splinted to the adjacent toe. So his 4th and 5th toes are splinted together. One may also need a surgical shoe in case there is a lot of swelling. It may be difficult to get into a closed shoe. If one is trying to it will only make the pain and swelling worse. He was placed in a Camboot for his.
For more information please see our websitehttp://www.podiatrycarespecialists.com/
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Miners Saved in Chile and copper socks
What great news to hear that all the Chilean miners are safe and well after their historic rescue! One of the amazing components of their rescue was the supplies sent down to them to enable a safe and healthy return to civilization. One of the items that caught our attention was the importance of the 33 miners getting to wear socks with copper soles. The advantage to this is the active ingredient, Cupron, will remove moisture from the feet which will inhibit bacteria, fungi, and yeasts from attacking the foot. At Podiatry Care Specialists, we have long been supporters of copper sole socks and have had them in stock at our offices for a number of years. If more information is desired, please stop by our offices in West Chester, PA or Newtown Square, PA to see them what makes them so special or visit our web site.
For more information please click on the article about the miners and the copper socks.
For more information please click on the article about the miners and the copper socks.
For more information please click on the article about the miners and the copper socks.
For more information please click on the article about the miners and the copper socks.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Toning Shoes...Fad or Bad?
There has been an increase lately in the number of shoe companies that are producing these toning shoes. Some of the common ones that are out are the Skechers Shapeups, Reebok EasyTone, New Balance and the MBT's. There are also making these in sandals now. These shoes are claiming to help solve knee and back problems, tone your legs, relieve tension in the neck and ease joint pain. What are all the thoughts on this? Since some of these products are fairly new, we dont have long term studies on them. Once more long term data is out on these we will get a better idea on how these products work over the long term.
I would not recommend these shoes/sneakers to run in. I am going to post a link to a study that was done on them. A team of exercise scientists from the Exercise and Health Program at the University of Wisconsin had studied the 3 shoes above. They evaluated muscle activation in the toning shoes vs a New Balance Running shoe as well as exercise responses.
For the exercise response the researchers had 12 patients complete 12, 5-minute exercises on a treadmill that with different speeds and gradients(inclines) with the toning shoes and a running sneaker. For the muscle activation response, 12 patients rotated shoes at random while having electrodes tied to different muscles on the body while doing similar exercises on the treadmill.
The results showed that none of the toning shoes showed a statistically significant increase in exercise response or muscle activation on the treadmill.
As of now, I think there needs to be even more research on these toning shoes. I like how this study was performed and how it showed that there was no difference in muscle activation or exercise response on a treadmill.
Here is the link for further reading.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Pregnant Women and Shoe Gear
I recently saw an article published by the NY Daily Times on pregnant women and their shoe gear. I will include the original link at the end of this blog.
The British Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists performed a study on 1,000 pregnant women and found many women wear fashionable shoes while being pregnant. 7/10 women had swollen ankles, feet, heel, and arch pain during their pregnancy. 66% wore flip-flops regularly, 32% high heels, 30% Uggs, and 53% ballet pumps.
What I didnt see listed in the study is when along their pregnancy they wore the above. When the feet swell it becomes more difficult to find a comfortable pair of sneakers/shoes. Typically the further along pregnancy we may recommend Crocs. It is not a good idea to wear high heels. pumps, and Uggs. These shoes do not have the proper support for the foot as well as the shock absorption. The high heels can also aggravate your back and other joints. Its always a good idea to wear comfortable and supportive shoes to prevent any foot pain especially while being pregnant.
For more information please visit our website.
Here is a link to the original article:
Monday, May 31, 2010
Exercise With Care
Recently as I have been going to the gym for a workout, or walking outside, I cant help to notice ones footgear. Whats amazing is what I see people wearing when running on the treadmill or using the elliptical. I see different forms of footwear ranging from what should be used, sneakers to things one doesn't want to wear in loafers, shoes, sandals and flats. Its very important when exercising and going for walks or runs to have your foot supported and have good shock absorption. You will not be able to get this with loafers, shoes, or sandals. You should always be in a good supportive sneaker when you are very active at the gym. You will not be as fatigued and you can prevent less problems with your feet!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Ryan Madson Breaks Big Toe
Ryan Madson, the pitcher for the Philadelphia Phillies, broke his big toe the other day after blowing a save for the Phillies. He kicked a folding chair in frustration. After this happened the toe started to swell and ache. Treatment for a fracture of a toe depends on the type of fracture. Its more serious in the big toe and sometimes the fracture needs to be fixed either with screws, pins, or wires. It sounds like he will not need surgery for this, but will be in a walker boot for a few weeks. If the fracture occurs in the joint he may develop arthritis in the toe. In the lesser toes if there is a fracture, usually these will be treated with a splint to the other toe. This again depends on the type of fracture that has occurred. Bone typically takes 6-8 weeks to heal. If you have any more questions please visit our webpage.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Neomycin Allergen of the year
Lets talk about skin for brief moment. Some people may develop allergies to certain topical medications as well as certain chemicals in household cleaners or even the material in shoes/sneakers. When the skin has an allergic reaction it is a dermatitis, inflammation of the skin. According to MD Consult the American Contact Dermatitis Society has named "Neomycin" as the allergen of the year. Neomycin is an the product Neosporin. Neosporin is a very common antibiotic cream used for simple cuts and lacerations. If you are noticing any redness, small red areas, pimple like areas, blistering after using Neosporin you should discontinue the product. This also should be with any topical creams or ointments that you apply to your skin. If you are concerned whether or not you may be allerigic to Neomycin or Neosporin you can always have a patch test which will test very common chemicals to see if you are allergic to them.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
David Beckham Achilles Torn

Chad Friedman, DPM
Monday, March 8, 2010
Spring is almost Here
Wow, what a great weekend we had and a nice Monday. With the warmer weather also brings different shoe gear. Please remember, even if you were previously treated for Plantar Fasciitis or other heel pain, you may have a recurrence of this if you are back in your sandals, flip-flops, or going barefoot. As we have talked about many times before, the heel, the arch, and the whole foot need to be supported properly in order to prevent foot pain from recurring.
There are new sandals that are out there that actually have removable foot beds that we are looking into to see if these can help relive foot pain. We will keep you posted on these. One that we will have in our office are the Aetrex Sandalistas. The foot bed can removed to place in insert or an orthotic in there to help out.
For more information please visit our website or call to make an appointment
Enjoy the warmer days,
Chad Friedman, DPM
Monday, February 8, 2010
Dwight Freeney And Ankle Injuries
Congratulations to the Saints for winning Super Bowl XLIV! Lets talk for a minute about the Colts star defensive player, Dwight Freeney. He suffered from a torn ligament in his Right Ankle. There was debate on whether or not he was going to play in the Super Bowl. He was able to, but he still had significant pain as the game went on and was not able to play the entire game. Lets discuss what the grading system is for Ankle Ligament injuries. These are usually caused by "rolling in " on the ankle.
Grade 1: Usually caused by stretching of the ankle ligaments on the outside part of the ankle. The ligaments are not torn. There is no instability of the ankle joint. Treated best with Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE).
Grade 2: There is more damage than a Grade 1 with partial tearing of the ligaments of the ankle. There is no instability of the ankle joint. Treatment is the same with 1, but patients will require a brace, need to be immobilized in either a cam boot, Unna boot, and crutches or cane.
Grade 3: There is tearing of the ligaments of the ankle joint, there is ankle instability, along with swelling and pain. Treatment is the same as 2 but more aggressive in offloading the ankle and stabilizing it to prevent it from rolling in or out again. Soft tissue injuries can take a minimum of 2-3 weeks to heal.
Treatment options for Freeney probably ranged from physical therapy, tapings to support the ankle, and ankle braces. Continually playing on a damaged ankle without the ligaments having a chance to heal can have long term consequences such as but not limited to; frequent spraining of the ankle, arthritis, instability, and continued pain. It's always important to seek medical treatment if you have sprained your ankle for the right treatment protocol. Please visit our site for more details.
Grade 1: Usually caused by stretching of the ankle ligaments on the outside part of the ankle. The ligaments are not torn. There is no instability of the ankle joint. Treated best with Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE).
Grade 2: There is more damage than a Grade 1 with partial tearing of the ligaments of the ankle. There is no instability of the ankle joint. Treatment is the same with 1, but patients will require a brace, need to be immobilized in either a cam boot, Unna boot, and crutches or cane.
Grade 3: There is tearing of the ligaments of the ankle joint, there is ankle instability, along with swelling and pain. Treatment is the same as 2 but more aggressive in offloading the ankle and stabilizing it to prevent it from rolling in or out again. Soft tissue injuries can take a minimum of 2-3 weeks to heal.
Treatment options for Freeney probably ranged from physical therapy, tapings to support the ankle, and ankle braces. Continually playing on a damaged ankle without the ligaments having a chance to heal can have long term consequences such as but not limited to; frequent spraining of the ankle, arthritis, instability, and continued pain. It's always important to seek medical treatment if you have sprained your ankle for the right treatment protocol. Please visit our site for more details.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Moisturize Those Winter Feet
Brrrrrrrrrr. It’s winter time in the Southeastern Pennsylvania area. The harshness of the cold temperatures and gusty winds that occur during December, January, February, and even part of March wreck havoc on the body. The hands and feet are particularly vulnerable as the extremities are the farthest parts of the body from the heart. We protect our body from the cold by wearing warmer and layered clothing. Gloves, hats, and scarves protect the most exposed parts and are important elements for protection, especially as we get older. Something we commonly overlook is moisturizing our hands and feet, especially our fingertips and heels. The back of the heel is especially vulnerable to scaling and cracking. A crack through the skin is called a fissure and can result in a foot infection as there now is a portal of entry for bacteria to enter the body and grow. Diabetics and vascular compromised people are most at risk.
Treatment-Prevention and maintenance of the integrity of the skin surface is done through regular use of skin moisturizing agents. There are many products on the market as many of them do an adequate job. Some leave a greasy film and some are tacky, so choose one that you are comfortable with. I prefer to recommend ones that leave a smooth finish and will penetrate easily without a large amount used. It doesn’t matter which one you choose as long as it is applied at least once and preferably twice per day, especially in the winter. A pumice stone or callus scraper can be utilized prior to moisturizing, but never use any sharp instruments like scissors or razor blades. Free edges of skin should not be pulled. If there are many layers that need to be treated, seek a podiatrist’s help and not a pedicure salon. This is a serious condition and should only be performed by a well-trained professional.
By Bradford J. Jacobs, DPM
Monday, January 18, 2010
Barefoot Running Part 2
We briefly mentioned last week about the potential hazards and dangers of barefoot running. I thought that I would just add a few more interesting things about it. A study published in The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness said that barefoot runners had less impact than runners in shoes. On the flip side to this, there has been no documented studies that show running with sneakers can cause foot problems or lead you to an injury. But if you can think about some of the stuff that I had posted last wee I will not recommmend doing it. This is because it can lead to stepping on something, lacerations, increase in pain, and blisters just to mention a few.
Happy Running/Walking, but of course with sneakers on :)
Chad J. Friedman, DPM
Happy Running/Walking, but of course with sneakers on :)
Chad J. Friedman, DPM
Monday, January 11, 2010
Barefoot Running
There has been a lot of talk in the literature recently on barefoot running. In fact there was even a book written on the topic (Born to Run). Its going to be something that many people will begin to try or continue to do. For me, I will not be recommending it. Some of the reasons for this is the risk of stepping on something, contusions, sprains, strains, and possible fractures. Depending on your foot type, the foot should be constantly supported through all phases of gait. If not, it can cause other muscles to compensate for other muscles and lead to tendon problems or other stresses in the feet. The feet need good support to support the rest of the body. Think about this as well; could you imagine running on a track, concrete, or gravel barefoot? Imagine this even on a hot sunny day. Your feet would burn and increase your chance of developing blisters. And of course this would never be good in a diabetic or someone who has developed neuropathy of their feet(loss of sensation). We will continue to update you on more information that will come out with the topic, but for the time being it is something that I will not recommend.
Happy Running/Walking, but of course with sneakers on :)
Chad J Friedman, DPM
Happy Running/Walking, but of course with sneakers on :)
Chad J Friedman, DPM
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