My daughter Paige asked my wife Karen and I a few weeks ago if we would participate with her in a 5K walk, for the cause, Walk from Obesity. This is a movement that Paige believes in so I tell her that I'm in. What I didn't tell her was that I have never participated in one. You see I used to be a weekend warrior but 4 knee operations, an osteochondral defect in my femur, an unrepaired torn ACL, and an arthritic hip on my other side has relegated me to being a dedicated golfer who always rides in a golf cart in order to play. Deep down inside I'm petrified that I'll embarass myself by limping my way for about a mile and then heading straight for the tent at the finish line.
In order to prepare for the event, I made a sort of mental checklist that I would like to share with you in case you are ever participating in your first walk or run.
-I inspected my cross trainers for wear and tear. They were fine but if they weren't, I was prepared to break in a new pair well before the walk.
-I made certain that my excellent pre-fabricated arch support devices were in place. A well-supported orthotic or pre-fab is a must for long periods of standing, walking, or exercise.
-I wore a comfortable, well-fitting pair of high percentage cotton athletic socks. Cotton helps your feet breathe better than synthetics.
-I made sure the socks did not bunch up in my cross trainers as that can easily cause blisters.
-I clipped my nails staight across, cutting them even with the flesh at the tip of my toes the day before the walk.
-I went to my local Y regularly and stayed limber utilizing machines devoted to the lower AND upper extremities. I always work out a few times a week but I wanted to make sure I didn't slack off now.
- I stretched daily, especially the quads, hamstrings, and calf muscles.
-I ate and slept well the week leading up to the walk.
-I hydrated well before, during, and after the walk.
-I wore a knee bace.
Well to make a long story short, I was able to complete the walk. After hitting the wall in the first third, I found it easier as I went along. I iced the knee down afterward and actually felt fine the next day. I enjoyed myself and am now not afraid to participate in other walks for good causes.
For more information on this cause, please visit: http://www.walkfromobesity.com/
Bradford J. Jacobs, DPM
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