Wow, what a great weekend we had and a nice Monday. With the warmer weather also brings different shoe gear. Please remember, even if you were previously treated for Plantar Fasciitis or other heel pain, you may have a recurrence of this if you are back in your sandals, flip-flops, or going barefoot. As we have talked about many times before, the heel, the arch, and the whole foot need to be supported properly in order to prevent foot pain from recurring.
There are new sandals that are out there that actually have removable foot beds that we are looking into to see if these can help relive foot pain. We will keep you posted on these. One that we will have in our office are the Aetrex Sandalistas. The foot bed can removed to place in insert or an orthotic in there to help out.
For more information please visit our website or call to make an appointment
Enjoy the warmer days,
Chad Friedman, DPM